InfoComm 2024 booth “one of the stars” of the show
AV Network
June 14, 2024
Story and photos/videos by Wayne Cavdi, senior content manager at AVN
AVN’s Christie coverage of booth at InfoComm 2024
“Christie is definitely one of the stars of the show. On a show floor full of eye-catching, beautifully spectacular LED displays, Christie used its projectors and media servers and players to bring visitors into its booth experience (W1024).
One of the pieces that stood out was Cathedral of Thieves, a collaboration of intricate wood art consisting of 13 layers of birch wood by Gabriel Schama and Limelight Studios, using Christie projectors to make a work of art come to life.
The immersive room is where guests can go inside and be completely engulfed in a lava pit or almost psychedelic bubble room, which not only uses projection mapping powered by Christie's Pandora's Box to fully immerse its visitors but tracking that makes the content appear to move as people touch and walk through it.
One interesting note about this immersive room was that it, like the wood art, was a collaboration between multiple companies. That was a trend on the show floor as Pro AV seems to be working together on these projects to make everything bigger and better.
Not shown in the video was a performance by the band Something Corporate, whose piano fully wrapped in Christie MicroTiles LED and was a sight to see.”