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“Christie” is a trademark of Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc., registered in the United States of America and certain other countries.
“DLP” is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
CounterAct named technology of the year by Cinema Technology CommunityThe Cinema Technology Community (CTC), the world’s largest not-for-profit independent trade organization, with more than 700 members in over 75 countries, announced the recipients of its prestigious 2021 awards at a special online YouTube Premiere. Hosted by film-critic, author and broadcaster Mark Kermode and CTC’s own ‘Last Projectionist Standing’ Dave Norris, the awards recognize individuals and organizations that continue to drive excellence in movie-going through the use of technology and outstanding service to the industry. |
“Christie” is a trademark of Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc., registered in the United States of America and certain other countries.
“DLP” is a trademark of Texas Instruments.