We put our imagination and creativity to work when we develop cinema illumination solutions for exhibitors, audiences, and studios. Our Christie Real|Laser illumination technology shines bright, high-quality visuals on mainstream screens, meeting the director’s needs and the audience’s desires.

The debut of Christie Phazer illumination technology, our new low-cost entry to laser projection for boutique cinemas, brings affordable laser solutions to small-screen cinema.

What a show it was. We hope you enjoyed discovering the latest innovations and technology in the cinema industry. We can’t wait for CineEurope 2025!

A group photo of the Christie Cinema team at CineEurope


Christie cinema projector with RealLaser technology

Transform the world through color and contrast

The most advanced cinema illumination source combines unparalleled color and contrast with best-in-class energy efficiency. Reduced TCO. More color and contrast. And a future-proofed electronic system.

See the world in a whole new light with Real|Laser.

Explore Real|Laser

Introducing Phazer, our new enhanced
laser light source

We’re bringing three cost-effective projectors that use Phazer illumination technology to the market. The new CP2406-RBe, CP2409-RBe, and CP2411-RBe with 6,000-11,000 lumens are perfect for your boutique and small-screen cinemas.

Set your Phazers to stun your audience.

Experience Phazer

Christie Phazer projector
Christie Xenon lamp-based projection

Keep tradition alive with CineLife+ Xenon

The tried-and-true workhorse of cinema remains the most used illumination source worldwide: Xenon. We bring Xenon to the future of cinema with our Xe models, which provide both reliability and the latest software features.

Discover CineLife+ Xenon


Work smarter, not harder

Transform your theatre operations and say goodbye to missed shows.

Do more with Cinergy

An array of computers, tablets, and mobile devices displaying Cinergy software
A tablet displaying Christie Command Station software

Experience the control you crave

Perform booth operations from anywhere in your theatre with Command Station.

Unleash your potential

Technology that loves cinema trailer

The heart of cinema is passion and a love for the art form. From the generations that fell in love with a John Williams’ score announcing the start of an epic space opera to new generations growing up with superheroes finding justice, the love of cinema starts early and continues for a lifetime. Celebrate with us by sharing our new Technology That Loves Cinema trailer.

Download the trailer


Christie sponsorship at CineEurope

We hosted the Monday lunch to kick off the show. At their core, cinema trade shows celebrate our industry's love for cinema. It was an honor and a delight to share this time with you.

An image of the food at the Monday kick off lunch

ICTA Panel: What’s Next in Cinema Technology?

We hope you caught the candid discussion between operators and manufacturers about the latest trends in cinema technology. Our VP of cinema, Brian Claypool, brought expertise and insight to the panel, and maybe a touch of dry humor.

Christie VP of cinema, Brian Claypool, speaking at the ICTA panel discussion

Contact us

Contact us today for more information on our technology or to speak to a Christie team member.