Cinema tech support FAQ
Have questions about your cinema projector or accessories? We’ve got answers! We made it faster and easier for you to find the answers to some of the most common questions we receive on the Christie cinema technical support team. If you can’t find the answer to your question here, contact Christie tech support for assistance.
Select a category to view questions and answers for each topic.
Are the RGB cinema projectors omnidirectional?
Currently, none of our cinema projectors are omnidirectional. This means they can’t be installed upside down, on their side, etc.
What’s the maximum ambient temperature for RGB projectors?
The maximum ambient temperature for RGB projectors is 35°C.
Can I upgrade a Xenon projector to RGB laser?
At the moment, it’s not possible because there are too many differences between the two types of projectors.
Where do I find dimensions for a projector?
You can find dimensions on each unit’s datasheet. Don’t have the datasheet handy? You can download it from our website, found under each projector’s downloads section.
Warranties and user manuals
Where do I find warranty documentation and warranty periods?
You can find all warranty documents and information on our website, under Help center > Warranties.
Is there a user manual for 2K RGB projectors?
Yes! All of our user manuals are available to download from our website. For our 2K RGB projectors, you can download this user manual (02-102769-03).
Troubleshooting and maintenance
I think I have laser related issues on my projector. How do I start troubleshooting?
You can see any laser related issues on the touch panel of your projector if you go Laser settings > Laser diagnostics. There you’ll find a model number, version, power, health, and other useful information for troubleshooting purposes.
Something is wrong with my projected image. How do I know if the issue is content related or internal?
If you have an issue while projecting content, check the internal test patterns to see if the issue is still happening. If the internal test patterns don’t show any problems, then it might be content related or something in the video pipeline that requires attention. Contact Christie tech support if you still need help with this issue.
I see some red, green, and blue spots on the screen when projecting a black image. What can I do?
While projecting a black test pattern, adjust the focus in each direction until the red, green, or blue spots don’t come into focus. By doing this, you can determine where the issue is (light engine, prism, DMD, integrator, etc.).
I have shadows in the bottom corner of the projected image. It’s obvious when projecting white. What could cause this?
When dealing with shadows in any of the 4 corners, always make sure you are not cutting the image with the lens. You can check this by re-centering the image in your lens and see if the shadows have disappeared.
If this doesn’t help, you can check fold mirrors and integrator alignment.
Feel free to reach out to Christie tech support if this doesn’t help identify your problem.
I have a brand new RGB projector and I’m trying to set up brightness and colors. I have 3 sliders, one for each color, and it’s a little confusing. Can you help me out?
You can find how to create a laser file in the user and service manual for each unit (found on the product page for your projector).
It’s safe to say that you first need to set up your equipment just as you would with a Xenon projector. Start by adjusting the green color, which is 75% of brightness. Once you hit 14fL, adjust the red and blue to achieve the required X and Y coordinates. You need to measure your color after every adjustment you make. And don’t forget to save your file after you’ve done this!
What exactly happens when I use a screen file or digital masking?
When you apply masking, you inactivate part of the image. This means whatever happens, the pixels in the deactivated area will always project black.
Are light engines field-repairable? Can I change a DMD if one has failed?
Unfortunately, no, the light engines need to be repaired under factory conditions in a dust-free environment. Get in touch with Christie tech support for more details on how you can do this.
How often do I have to replace the filters in my unit?
Each of our units has its own dedicated PM (preventative maintenance) sheet. In the PM sheet, you can find service intervals, required equipment, top-up requirements for coolant, and other useful steps to help keep your Christie projectors healthy for a long period of time.
You can get a PM sheet for your projector from our dedicated tech support team.
Series 2 / Solaria One/One+
What is the port number used to send serial protocol commands over Ethernet to Series 2 cinema projectors?
You need port 5000 for this. You can find all the detail on this in the “Connect a Communications Device” section of your projector user manual. User manuals are available for download on the product page for your projector.
What type of cable do I need to use connect to the RS232 port on Series 2 cinema projectors?
You need a straight-through RS232 cable using pins 2, 3, and 5.
What is the PIB3G used for on 4K Series 2 projectors?
The PIB3G has an option card slot used to install an optional input card called Dual 3G/HD/SD-SDI input. When you install these cards, the projector can display 4K alternative content. You can find this info in the D4K35 setup guide addendum (020-100824-01).
How can I access the web user interface on Series 2 and 3 cinema projectors?
The web user interface can be accessed using any web browser. Simply type in your projector’s IP address into your browser and the web interface will load.
How much lens movement (lens offset) do I have on my Series 2 and 3 unit?
On 2K projectors, your movement is typically half a screen vertical (if no horizontal shift is used) and a quarter of a screen horizontal (if no vertical shift is used). On 4K projectors, the values are about half of the 2K movement.
The TPC on my Series 2 unit is black and won’t turn on. How do I fix it?
We recommended you start by checking input voltages. If this doesn’t work, check LVPS (low voltage power supply) and stand-by power supplies for required voltages.
Can I exchange the TPC (touch panel controller) between 2 different Series 2 units?
Technically, yes, you can. However, you need to be careful when doing this as it will overwrite the serial numbers either on the unit or on the TPC. When changing TPC between 2 units for testing, always make sure you select “Restore serial numbers from PIB”.
Can a Solaria One/One+ use a third-party IMB?
Yes, you just need to order the right type of IMB with a new faceplate to install it.
Is the ballast fan on a CP2220 sold separately?
We don’t sell these separately. Usually, when a fan of this type is damaged, the failure is caused by a problem in the ballast. In this case, we recommend you replace the ballast.
What’s the maximum tilt of the CP2220 projector?
The front-to-back tilt of your cinema projector must not exceed 15°. This limit ensures safe lamp operation and proper positioning of the liquid cooling reservoir.
My CP2220 projector is perfectly aligned in front of the screen, but I can't perfectly adjust the lens, and parts of the image are always out of focus. How can I fix this?
Verify the position of the projector with respect to the screen and, if necessary, adjust the lens mounting plate (boresight). You can find instructions to make this adjustment in your user manual (P / N 020-100420-08) on page 4.4 in section 4.7.
Where do I find the heat load BTU/HR rating for the CP2210?
The heat load BTU/HR is in the projector line drawings: CP2210_Line_Drawing_020-100538-01_Rev1.
Is it possible to upgrade a CP2215 projector to 4K?
Unfortunately, no. We can only upgrade the CP2220 and CP2230 models in Series 2. No other models in Series 2 are upgradeable to 4K.
If you’re thinking about making a move to 4K projection from a CP2215, we recommend checking out our latest cinema projectors or speaking with your Christie representative.
How many people are required to lift a CP2309-RGB projector?
To be on the safe side, we recommend you have 4 people, one in each corner. However, the unit weighs only 73kg (approximately 160lbs ).
Can I use the CP2215 lens in a CP2315?
Yes, the lens suite is the same. They’re interchangeable between CP2215, CP2315, and CP2320.
How do I adjust convergence on my CP2315-RGB projector?
The detailed convergence adjustment can be found in the service manual (020-102770-05) on pages 26-27.
Can I install a GDC SR-1000 IMB in a CP2320 RGB? Or should I use a different version?
Yes, it’s possible to use a GDC SR-1000 with your CP2320 RGB projector.
The touch panel on my CP2320 looks uncalibrated (the touch is not being registered). How do I fix that?
Go to Service setup > Preferences > Touch panel > Start calibration and follow the instructions on the touch panel.
Series 3 / CineLife Series
Does the Series 3 projector use the same boards as the Series 2 projectors?
No, the electronics behind these projectors are different, so the boards are different.
What happens if I change something on a channel during a show on a Series 3 unit?
The changes made to an active channel are immediate, which means you’ll see on-screen changes.
Where do I find the boresight adjustment instructions for Series 3 2K RGB projectors?
You can find the instructions in the service manual (020-102770-05) on pages 23 – 25.
Where do I find spare parts and part numbers for my Series 3 2K RGB projector?
You’ll find most of the spare parts, including projection lenses, in the service manual (020-102770-05) on pages 35 – 40.
How much does a CP4220 projector weigh?
The CP4220 weighs 116kg (approximately 256lbs) without the lamp and lens.
Is there an extractor kit for the CP4330?
While there is no extractor kit, there is an adapter you can use to connect it to local extraction devices. The required part is an exhaust duct (part number 136-102104-XX). Contact sales or a customer care representative for more info on how to purchase this adapter.
I have a CP4325 RGB projector that has a touch panel failure. Can I connect an external monitor until I get a new touch panel?
Yes! You can connect any monitor that has its own power source and a standard VGA input. To acquire a new touch panel, you need part number P / N 003-121059-01. Contact sales or a Christie customer care representative to purchase this replacement part.
IMB (Integrated media block)
Where do I find a Christie IMB-S2 certificate?
You can download an IMB certificate from our projectors, but definitely email Christie tech support if you have any questions or encounter any issues. You’ll find instructions for how to download the IMB certificate from the projector in the IMB user manual (020-100845-09) in the section called Manage Christie IMB Settings on page 73.
How can I keep the Christie IMB-S2 powered on in standby mode?
For Series 2 projectors, the Solaria One and Solaria One + projectors have the option to keep the IMB powered in standby mode. On the touch panel, you can navigate to Menu > Administrator setup > Preferences and check the box for "IMB powered in standby mode". These instructions are in the Solaria One / One + User Manual (020-100841-02) in section 9.1 "Set Projector and TPC Preferences".
Are IMB-S2’s field serviceable if they had an FIPS* error?
*FIPS stands for Federal Information Processing Standards publications
Unfortunately, no. You need to send it back to the factory for repair. Contact Christie tech support for details.
Can I change the language of the subtitles during the show if I’m using a Christie IMB-S3?
Unfortunately, no, you can only load one type of content for a movie. For subtitles, you need to have copies of the movie with different subtitle languages available to load.