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Christie Digital Christie Digital
Cinema 2 Min Read

The people who love cinema

October 04, 2024

Meet Kinga Merkl

At Christie, we provide reliable, innovative, and high-quality solutions to theatres around the world. From RGB pure laser cinema projectors to immersive sound, our technology delivers those cinematic moments that live on in our memories forever. 

Behind the scenes is a group of people dedicated to innovating and delivering best-in-class technology to enable the best on-screen experience for moviegoers. Put simply, these are the people who eat, breathe, and love cinema.  

In this occasional series, we’ll meet members of our cinema team and discover why they love cinema and what it means to them.  

What’s your name and title?  

My name is Kinga Merkl, and I provide sales support for our cinema team based out of Hungary. I support the EMEA sales team and our customers.  

What is cinema to you?  

If I need to use one word, I would use passion.  

Cinema makes me laugh and cry and teaches me. It makes me forget my problems—even if it’s for a few hours! It takes me to a different world to distract me. It's a magical place where you believe all your dreams can come true.  

What do you like to watch, and what’s your favorite film?  

I don’t have a favorite film, but I have favorite films that I could watch over and over again.  

Here are my top three: 

“Life of Brian”. No matter how many times I watch I still find new jokes and laugh a lot at the old ones, too. My motto comes from this film: “Always look on the bright side of life”. 

“Hidden Figures” with Kevin Costner and Taraji P. Henson. Punches all my buttons. Segregation, discrimination, civil rights, feminism. It helps the audience better appreciate the struggles of being a minority. All three women in the film make progress to reach their goals and fulfill their potential against the odds. 

Lastly, it’s a new movie that is my number three pick. “Perfect Days” from Wim Wenders. You can find beauty and joy in everyday life and routine even if you are only cleaning toilets in Tokyo. This is totally me. I try to live my life always looking at the positive things, while appreciating everything I have.

Connect with Kinga on LinkedIn or meet her in person at Cinema Days in Belgium where she will be a mentee in the UNIC mentorprogram.